Sunday, April 26, 2009

More Piano Peforming

Kenzie and Connor are playing at church, on the organ during Mass, this afternoon. They got to practice a little bit on Friday. Here's how they sounded:

Saturday, April 25, 2009

What an Awesome Day

This was just a great day to be the dad of my kids.

It was a day full of sports on an absolutely beautiful day. Let's start with the Alex. He started his first real paycheck job today, at Subway. He was supposed to go in at 9:00 AM for training. They must have liked him because they kept him there until 8:00 PM. A few of us stopped in for some subs at the end of the day, and Alex was still smiling, so I guess he likes his job. I can tell you, I like him having a job. He'll need to help with his car insurance real soon.

Connor had baseball at 9:00 AM. He pitched the first few innings, and did great. His team lost, but at least they were ahead when the coach changed pitchers. Then, it was off to referee some soccer games. He had three to do, and I watched most of them. Kenzie's team played in the first game; Tyler's team played in the second game; and I was just watching Connor ref in the third game. By the end the third game, Connor was exhausted and sunburnt, but he had to run to another field and, with no time to spare, jump into his own game where he played Goalie for 70 for the whole game. I was pleased because Connor has not been given the opportunity to show what he's capable of on this team, playing only about ten minutes per game for the past two seasons. Given all he'd done already, I was not expecting peak performance from him. His team won (their first win of the season) by 2-0, Connor having allowed no goals. How awesome is that!? Plus, he made over $100 referee-ing. He deserved his sub from Subway and should sleep very well tonight

Kenzie had a 11:00 AM softball game, but she went to the park with me when I took Connor to his game. Her softball team won their game. Kenzie was Catcher, which she absolutely love to be. Her thumb was bruised from soccer last week, so she couldn't swing the bat. But, she managed to get on base every at-bat by bunting for a base hit or walking. Only once did she not score a run (she got stranded on third) and stole more bases than I can remember. She had to leave softball a little early so I could get her to her soccer game, where she play Goalie. Her team played the number one team in their division and beat them, 3-1. Kenzie only let one goal in. In six games or so, I don't think she's had more than 6 or 7 goals scored against her.

The twins had a lighter schedule. Tay had a 9:00 AM baseball game. His morning started off pretty rough. He lost his baseball hate, and losing par of you uniform is a pet peave of mine, really gets under my skin. SO, Tay got yelled at, and left at home to look for it, while I took Connor and Kenzie to the field so Connor could warm up. I went back and got Tay, but neither one of us had a happy start this morning. Things eventually calmed down; he borrowed an extra hat from his coach; then got a hit near the end of his game.

Tyler, who had no game until the afternoon, hung around with us at the baseball fields, waiting for his turn to play. In his soccer game (with Connor as ref), Ty played Goalie (see the family trend here?). He's very inexperienced at travel soccer, but has been attending goalie training sessions to improve in that position. It just so happened that today his team played one of the best U9 teams around, and they got beat up pretty bad. Tyler has come a very long way in his sportmanship. He did not let anything bother him, where in the past, he would have had a tantrum over losing, let alone at being the Goalie in such a lopsided game. I'm very proud of him.

Tomorrow won't be quite as busy, but it will start early. CCD at 8. Alex goes to Mass at 9:00 because he has to work again in the afternoon, when we'll all be at Mass enjoying not only Mass, but Connor and Kenzie playing the church organ during the service, while Tay and Ty, as part of the youth choir, sing. Oh, and in the middle of the day, there's more soccer games for Tyler and Connor.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Homeschool Field Trip

We went on a field trip to Historic St. Mary's City yesterday. It was windy and cold, but it was a lot of fun. I was surprised at how much they had for people to do and see.

We started in the Indian village, where we learned about how the Indians that met the Maryland colonists lived. Below are some of the kids using a rock to make tools from rocks and bones. Tyler was grossed out by the guy who was scraping meat off a deer hide to make clothing, but he gets grossed out by a lot of things.

We moved on to the Town Center, where we met colonists dyeing wool and operating their shops.

We learned how to use a seventeeth century printing press.

We also were drilled as Maryland's early militia, and got to see the firing of a musket. Everybody thought it was pretty loud. Connor could not believe that the colonists could perform the seventeen steps of loading and firing this gun, not once, but three times in one minute.

Then we moved on to the boat that brought them here, the Dove. Everyone loved this part. This was the only part of the day we were glad is was windy because you could really feel the boat rocking.

While Kenzie and Bekah fit in the bunks just fine, I can't imagine how grown men slept there, nevermind all the passengers, who had to sleep on floor of the hold.

Finally, it was off to the tobacco plantation where we ground up corn to make flour, made some corn bread, planted some beans, worked in the field, and fed the cows.