Wednesday, December 20, 2006

All Went Well

We finished our review with the school board in record time. There were two ladies working today, and one finished up with her family early, so she helped get us done, too. This being our fourth year doing this, the kids mostly took care of themselves, even my first graders. Last year I could barely get Tay to talk at all. This year, he did the whole review by himself. To me, this aspect of homeschooling is as important as anything else. At a very young age, my kids have all been able to talk to adults in this kind of situation. Well anyway, our Christmas vacation has officially begun!

Our piano teacher has challenged Connor, Kenzie, and Tyler to perform a recital over the Holiday. Ray will give them extra credit if they bring him a program from their recital. Kenzie and I, with some input from Connor, just finished making it. Here's the front and inside pages.

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