Sunday, May 20, 2007

My Birthday Present

Kenzie had another softball tournament this weekend. I was the official scorekeeper, so I didn't get a chance to take many pictures. I did snap a few good ones, though. Here's one of her getting a hit on Saturday, and another of her sliding safely home.
Today, for my birthday, I asked her to give me an error free game and two base hits. I changed that to one hit, since they were only guaranteed one game (more, only if they won, which they didn't), and yesterday she only got one hit (she says two, but who was scorekeeper?) in three games and made a couple errors at first base (her first time ever playing there). Well, she accomplished the error free game easily enough, but I was getting worried about that hit request as they entered the fifth inning. That's when she got a double, and I got my birthday present.

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