Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Carnival '07

Our annual pilgrimage to the volunteer fireman's carnival. Last year, Kenzie had a broken collar bone, so she couldn't ride the rides. Alex broke his, too, around the same time, but I don't remember if he missed the rides or not. Bekah was too little to ride, and Kearsyn wasn't here, yet. And, the funnel cake preparer was not very good at the job. This year, all those things were much improved, including the most important one: the funnel cake preparer. I was going to take a picture of the very tasty, much improved funnel cakes, but they disappeared too quickly.

I have to say the most fun for us grown-ups was watching Bekah experience her first carnival. She was all smiles, very excited, and didn't want to leave after two hours of rides. She rode every ride she could, at least once, and wanted to move to the big kid rides but she would have fallen out, she's so small, so we didn't think that was a good idea. Fortunately, Taylor has not quite graduated to the bigger rides, so Bekah had a partner, even though I don't think she needed one. Tyler moved up to the bigger rides, and even rode on some of them by himself. That kid has no fear of anything and does NOT want to be left out of anything his older sibs do. Vicki and I had to split up; she took Bekah and Tay to the kiddie rides, I took the Ty, Connor, and Kenzie (and Keary in the stroller) to the big rides. Alex worked the goldfish game.

For working so hard Sunday afternoon and Monday night, the firemen gave Alex a shirt. It's an older logo, featuring a Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab that I always thought looked goofy. I think the fire dept. thought so, too, since they changed it to a better one.

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