Thursday, January 10, 2008

Reason 42 For Homeschooling

I usually don't get very political in this blog, even though I get very political in real life, but this is just nuts: School Bans Desserts. I know too much junk food is not good, but is it the government's job to tell us what to put in our kids' lunches (or allow them to buy with money we give them for lunch)? Once they take over every parental decision we make in the government's demesne, they'll be after us in our private lives (like they haven't been doing that for years already).

I am so tempted to go on and on about all the reasons this kind of government dictation is wrong, but I have my own school to run right now.

245 days to go for #8.

1 comment:

Martha said...

I was always annoyed when my kids came home and said the teahcer wouldn't let them eat their pretzles for snack because they were "junk food". Who decides these things anyway?

And what about raisins? "One man's fruit is another man's candy."