Sunday, October 05, 2008

Birthdays Galore!

First off, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Bekah. She turns four today (I think it's her day, maybe it's Kearsyn turning two? No, it's definitely Bekah, that's what's on the calendar).

October is a crazy birthday month around here. We have six. Our nephew, Josh, on 10/1. Bekah on 10/5. Our neice, Lauren, on 10/8. Kearsyn on 10/10. Vicki's sister on 10/20. Vicki on 10/30.

This morning, Connor commented that he just LOVES October. It's cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, cake, and then Candy to top it all off at the end of the month. He didn't mention the dentist bills in November...

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