Monday, January 19, 2009

Kenzie Turns Eleven

With everything going on around here, I forgot to wish Kenzie a Happy Birthday on this blog. I can't believe she's done all the things she's done in just eleven years. Now, she just walked into he classroom, grumbling. She's mad at me because it's MLK Jr. day, and we are doing school, even though government schools are off. Oh well, I want to be finished up in May (and so do they) so we can't afford to take too many days off now.

Back to the birthday. Kenzie got her guitar, which she has been really wanting. She has talked a lady at church (Eileen), who Kenzie (and Connor) sings with on Sunday mornings, to teach her to play the guitar. God Provides. We can't afford both piano and guitar lessons, so what does He do?
Sends us yet another un-asked-for blessing. I'm really glad Kenzie has focused her energies on music again. It is much less expensive (and local) than all that travel softball stuff (I did enjoy it, but I don't really miss it).

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