Sunday, May 18, 2008

Piano Competition

Connor has reached an age and a skill level where can start to seriously compete with other skilled pianists. On Saturday, he entered a competition for middle-high school aged piano players. His teacher was so impressed with how well Connor did, he called this evening just as we arrived home from our weekend getaway. Ray had apparently called earlier and left us a message, but he just couldn't wait for us to call him back.

Connor is (age-wise) in sixth grade, the youngest age that could enter this contest, so he played against older and possibly more experienced kids. To end the suspense, I'll tell you now that he placed third. Not high enough to get any money; only the top two earned money; but high enough for an Honorable Mention and an extreme amount of praise from everyone who knows how rapidly Connor has moved up in his piano-playing.

When I first told Connor how he had done, he was upset. He is a true competitor in everything he does, and won't happily accept anything but first place. All he could remember from his performance was the one note he missed. I had to remind him of how far he's come. In only three and a half years he has gone from Mary had a little lamb to Mozart and Debussy; from being rigid with fear at recitals, to performing with professional string quartets and under the pressure judged competitions. He is an amazing kid.

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