Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Laughter IS the Best Medicine

Most, or many, of you probably don't know too many of the details of what's been happening behind the scenes with this blog. Some of the posts may seem a bit cryptic, oozing an 'inside joke' feel about them. I am sorry that the whole story is just too complicated to explain in detail on this blog, although through other methods of correspondence, the story has been told to its fullest extent. The main point of this exercise, we believe, has been for the comedic value. In Vicki's most vulnerable and uncomfortable, and least humor-filled, period of her pregnancy, she has never laughed so much or so heartily. And how she also loves a good puzzle to solve! This one has been most entertaining. And once it was solved, it even came with its own answer key, to verify that the solution was indeed correct. Again, I am sorry for what may seem to be yet another cryptic post, but rest assured, we firmly believe that the last couple weeks have been a gift from Heaven to help pass the last few days of what would otherwise have the most difficult weeks of a summer pregnancy.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Nicely done.