Friday, June 15, 2007


Tyler's all-star team had their championship game tonight. They won! Here's Tyler with his trophy. Think he's happy? Too bad the major league Orioles can't do as good as this one.

Tomorrow starts another round of softball tournament play in Salisbury. Tay and Ty's regular coach-pitch team will finish up their season back home. Connor's team is still in the end of season tournament, but they now have one loss. One more and they're out, and done for the season. Connor is pitching tomorrow. I know he'll do well, especially since I won't be there. He always does well, but seems to do exceptionally well when I miss his game. We're also waiting for results from his soccer tryouts for the travel league. He's played travel soccer for several years, but took the past year off, for various reasons, and wants to get back into it. He's an extremely good goalie and defender so I don't doubt he'll get the job. If (when) he does, he'll have to choose between baseball and soccer next Spring, since travel soccer is year-round and will conflict with baseball in a major way.

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