Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Day 2

Getting a late start. The kids decided to sleep in (until 7:15) while I was hanging laundry on the line. One load down (or up?), 4 or 5 more to go. The kids are upstairs now, eating breakfast and feeding Bekah, while I steal some moments alone, with my coffee and computer. How many 13 year old boys fight with their 8 year old sisters over who gets to take of the 2 year old toddler first thing in the morning? That's how I left Alex and Kenzie, not really fighting, just establishing that pecking order I guess. And NOBODY's gonna peck my oldest daughter! Not if she has anything to do about it. For the record, she is the one taking care of Bekah this morning :o)

Speaking of pecking order, we should be getting some chickens today. While we wait for, and eventually hatch, our new eggs, I've volunteered our coop to be used to house some friends' of ours roosters, as they mature for the chopping block. They have 15, six week old chickens (10 roosters), in a small 4x4 enclosure. Too crowded, so we'll hold some until December, when the axe comes out, and our new chicks will be mature enough to take over the coop for themselves. I'll just have to keep reminding the kids not to name them. They aren't pets, they're food. You don't name food, unless you use names like roast, stewed, or cordon blu (my favorite chicken dish).

The first child has just shown up. Alex. We now know for sure who won upstairs in the Battle of the Baby. I wonder who's going to get Kearsyn when she shows up? Ever see a 'dropped ball' in soccer? or a 'jump ball' in basketball? or raw meat in a school of sharks? I'm getting out of the way, let me tell you.

Well, two kids are here. Connor. My bet is the kitchen is getting noisy with the youngest four attempting to decide who's got what kitchen duties this morning. It's clear as day, on the chart, on the wall, but they all conveniently forget how to read, or where the wall is, when it comes time to do the chores.

1 comment:

. said...

lol pecking order and chickens. Sounds like your coop is like my coop. Only your 'chicks' sound better behaved than mine. Really enjoying your blog qacdad!