Thursday, September 28, 2006

Who's Watching the Girl?

Ok, I'm making an early dinner: Kenzie has to get to softball practice and, if you remember, that's good trek down the road. Vicki is trying to get some work done from home. The kids are on their own, mostly they're playing Nintendo in the playroom. All except Bekah, who decided to have some alone time with a tube diaper rash medicine. At least she didn't eat it. And she did show remorse.


Miriam Pauline said...

aahh how cute. And a normal sight around here--toddler into something messy.

Margaret said...

Oh dear. Look at that face! My daughter saw the picture and asked "Why is that girl cying?".

. said...

heheehe what a sweetheart!

Martha said...

When my niece got into the Desitin, she had it everywhere. She even used it for rouge and lipstick.