Trash Day
Some of us home school families got together today at Terrapin Park for a picnic and a little trash coll
ection. Here are the kids that did the work. Some of them are not actually home schooled, but are daycare kids of one of the home school moms. It was kinda cool today, with the threat of rain, so we didn't stay
too long, but we did get some trash picked up. And the kids found a huge jellyfish. Well, huge by Chesapeake Bay standards, about a foot and a half across. They w
anted to bring it home, but I didn't think that was a very good idea. As we left the park, it started to drizzle, but at least we got a good walk/ community service in before the weather got too bad. Here's one more picture: of Bekah on the beach. She didn't pick up much trash, but she takes a cute picture.
We *love* Terrapin Park! It's absolutely beautiful at sunset (won't be seeing that today though LOL) - I love looking for sea glass. What a great idea for community service! Let me know next time and we'll join you!
No picture of Mr. JellyFish? A foot and a half across???? That's huge in my book!
Tracy- I know, I should've taken a picture, but I wasn't thinking straight. At the point they found the jellyfish, it was getting colder and starting to drizzle. All I wanted to do was get home. You know how far the walk is from the beach to parking lot, especially with all those little kids (see group picture) and just one stroller between them.
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