Another Sunrise Walk
As expected, the whole crew, or most of it, once it got wind of a good thing, had to tag alone
on this morning's walk. It wasn't too bad. The morning was beautiful again, and this time I have pictures to prove it. The picture on the left is looking out, over Macum Creek. The little island you see is all that is left from a "land bridge" that was there when we moved in to our house twelve years ago. Back then, you could walk all the way to the other side without getting your feet wet. This might be why some folks are saying that our island is sinking,
but I think it's just erosion (which I guess could be ascribed to the sinking of an island :o). This is also where we do the majority of our fishing in the Summer and where Tay got his weird needlefish this year. The picture on the right is just a few steps away, across Chester River. This is where we usually catch those Cownose Rays, which Kenzie can't get enough of, in the Summer.
WOW that's a little piece of heaven if I ever saw it :) Looks like we were thinking similar photo sessions again today lol...only you're are much more peaceful. Cool fish and ray!
Looks very serene, although I suppose chattering children could change that just a bit.
Isn't it awesome that God gave us so many things to enjoy? From the coastlines, to mountains and deserts, to apple orchards :)
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