Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Back to School

I'm having a real hard time with our decision from last night, to send Alex back to public school. Please help me pray for guidance and acceptance of this new direction, and to be as sure as possible that it's what God wants us to do, not just a way of making our lives less complicated, for our own convenience.


Margaret said...

Will prayer for y'all during this process.

Miriam Pauline said...

Will definitely pray for you as you make these decisions.

Anonymous said...

From a fellow-HSing SAHD: The point of home-schooling is doing what's best for your child, regardless of what the experts may say. We pulled our older two out after fifth grade, HS'd during middle school, and gave them the option for high school. They chose to stick with HSing. But if they had presented me with good reasons to return to the system, I'd have done my best to support them.

That said, I found high school less difficult and less complicated for me than middle school because the kids are gradually taking responsibility for their own education (under my continued guidance, of course).