Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Happy Birthday Alex

I wanted to get a "Happy Birthday!" in for Alex before this day ended. He turned 14 today (only two more years until he's driving, ugh). I'm very happy that we survived his first teenage year. Unfortunately, there seems to be quite a few yet to be survived. He's my first teenager, so we're learning this stuff as we go, and it tends to get rocky every so often, more so lately than usual. Still, there are more good things than bad, if you just stop and look around.

For example:

1. I really could not have asked for a better 'first born'.

2. He helps in in every possible way that he can in taking care of his younger siblings.

3. He's got more nurturing instinct than any other teenage boy, and most teenage girls, that I've ever met.

4. He has been a trailblazer in our homeschool adventure, bouncing back from his (and my) mistakes and achieving more than I can express in these few words.

5. He makes friends more easily than I ever did or ever will.

6. He never hesitates to help someone in need, even a stranger.

7. He loves talking to older women, especially if he's holding one of his younger siblings at the time.

8. He loves chocolate cake with chocolate icing.

9. He says he doesn't want to be a priest, but he'd be a wonderful one, and would restore people's faith in the Catholic church.

10. He still hugs his dad goodnight.

11. He hugs just about anybody who needs one, just because he genuinely cares about people.

12. He desperately wants to learn to play guitar. I just need to find an affordable guitar teacher.

13. His favorite food is Beefaroni. This is good because even Vicki can make it, and she had to make dinner for his birthday because I was out with other kids tonight.

14. He's just one of the nicest kids you're ever going to meet in this world, and that's not just me talking. Ask anybody who's spent five minutes with him.


Miriam Pauline said...

What a lovely tribute! Happy Birthdy Alex!

Martha said...

I hope Alex had a wonderful birthday! Enjoy your teenagers and someday they'll be your best friends.

Anonymous said...

Awww.... I couldn't agree more! I think anyone who talks to an old soccer mom while waiting for his dad on the field is A-OK in my book! I'll miss talking to you next year (unless we can convince Dad into one.more.year. LOL)

~~~Happy Birthday Alex!~~~

Sorry I'm two days late - hope your day was *splendid*


Anonymous said...

You gushes continue to be incredible. As for the guitar, do you have a local high school or university? Music students would be more affordable for lessons perhaps (that's how I take my lessons :)